
更新时间:2024-02-13 20:32:21


  what kinda movie you like?
  I like your shirt! Where did you get it.
  what subject do you hate most in the school?
  夸赞事物时可以用,yea!that's amazing
  that's cool stuff!I would like one, too
  I never seen it before, it's gorgeous!
  比如说,waiting room, Toilet 这些简单的LZ应该都会,英语那么好
  boarding pass 登机卡
  passport 护照
  Identity Card 身份证
  aisle 靠走道的座位
  perfume 香水
  tax free 有时候买东西会问你需不需要tax free或者tax back就是指你在新加坡买的东西然 后可以再去机场的时候退税
  receipt 小票
  leisure centre 休闲娱乐中心
  charge 收费
  changes 小费,零钱
  soft drink 碳酸饮料
  still water 矿泉水
  fizzy drink 汽水
  starter 开胃菜 main course 主餐 desert 甜点
  where can I change money? 兑钱
  currency rate 汇率
  notes 纸钞
  signature 签名
  shampoo 洗发水
  shower gel 沐浴露


My family dan I decided to go to Singapore this weekend. We decided to take the route through Batam island.
Our trip started from Bandung. We took GA-Citilink flight from Bandung to Batam. The flight was full with family and people on holiday. Some schools, private ones, in Indonesia have started the holiday. The flight was smooth.

We arrived in Batam and took a taxi cab stright to Batam Center, where they have ferry or speed boot to Batam. The fare was Sing$ 14 returned (both ways). I think there’s a Sing$ 3 tax. We also had to pay “fiscal”. It’s some kind of tax for Indonesians leaving the country. The fiscal is Rp 500 thousands. If we leave Indonesia from other places, such as from Jakarta, the fiscal is Rp 1 million. It’s quite expensive, really. That’s the most expensive component in our trip.