
更新时间:2023-11-04 14:11:55



印度网友Anubhav Jain的回答

No matter what Indian men say, they should be half convinced and not be deceived by their lies.


As an Indian woman, I think India is unsafe for a woman who travels alone - whether you are white or Indian will not make much difference in the eyes of bad people. If there is no man around you, then you will become a plaything in the eyes of other men. This is not alarmist.


I saw as many scoundrels in Goa and Mumbai as I saw in Delhi, Noida and Gurgaon. The North-South gap in India is no longer obvious, and potential threats are everywhere.


If they see a white woman in a beautiful dress and an Indian man together in a hotel club, they will think, "Ah! This is not a prostitute!" Unfortunately, a white-skinned woman in their eyes is "a dissolute woman who drinks like a drunk and can be used as a sex toy."


On New Year's Eve, I was in Goa. A white couple gathered in the same hut. The male partner lay unconscious on the sofa, and his female partner was obviously drunk. Within a few minutes, a team of 7-8 Indian men put their hands on her clothes and violated her. She was too drunk to notice. Everyone else on the scene could see what happened, but no one stopped or called the police. The same scene is frequently staged at different times and on different occasions. Only when the victim is an Indian girl, will the public's anger and hatred be ignited.


I'm not saying you should not travel alone, but you should have several local phone numbers, local SIM cards and mobile phone numbers, ask for help from Indian/local women, wear Indian clothes (a Sarwakamez is very comfortable), and even stick "bindi" on your forehead, which will help. You don't have to do this all the time, but when you get into trouble, it may save your life...


One of my American-born Italian resident female friends speaks Hindi better than me. She has been to India six times, and she always wears Indian clothes. Even she has encountered terrorist harassment, and verbal harassment is light. I strongly suggest not to retaliate on the spot. Your top priority should be to get out of trouble and find someone who can help you.


The police have little help in India. You'd better seize the opportunity to seek help from army personnel, but this is not absolute.


Avoid wandering aimlessly at night. If you are in trouble, call for help loudly, and what language is irrelevant.


Don't put your drink aside, and don't let others make you a cup, because you don't know who will put some ecstasy in it. Please remain vigilant at all times.


海外网友Ben A•wise的回答

I am not a woman, but I have spent a long time in India - more than ten years. I think the best way to avoid problems is to avoid denial.


I am very dissatisfied with most of the answers here. Many Indians answered, "Oh, but look at that country! There are more rape cases!" and "India is the safest place for women in the world!"


I disagree. Just saying that a woman is unharmed when traveling in India does not mean that all other women will have the same safety experience. This is like what I said, because I have never been on a crashed plane, so there has never been an accident on a plane? This is obviously wrong logic.


Now, although India is not extremely insecure, it is not very safe. This is usually the case. There are good people and bad people everywhere, just the probability.

现在,虽然印度不是极其不安全,但也不是非常安全。事实通常就是这样的,哪里都有好人也有坏人 ,只不过是概率多少罢了。

These are recent news cases:


An American tourist said she was gang-raped in Mumbai;


An Israeli woman was allegedly gang raped in the Indian tourist city of Manali;


Japanese tourists were raped by local residents in southern Indian towns;


Danish women were gang-raped for 3 hours in the center of Delhi, and the two were detained - Times of India;


Next, the events around me:


After I fell in love with my present wife in India for a few days, two men riding motorcycles always followed her. She was riding a moped, and the man behind her tried to touch her. Fortunately, she had the courage to resist and kick them away. They drove away, but she hurt her foot because of excessive force.


A friend of mine who was traveling in India told me that several men deliberately stroked her chest in the crowd. Another friend was taking the train when her bag was taken away.


Where I live in Tamil Nadu, many women have been harassed, sexually assaulted and robbed.


On Quora website, I have read many descriptions of Indian women and described the harassment story in detail.


Therefore, I hope that we have determined that there is a problem, because this is the only way to solve the problem. Now, I want to share my suggestions with female tourists:


1. Dress appropriately. In India, the less attention people especially men pay to your body, the better. Yes, I know that in the ideal world, you can wear whatever you want. But the fact is that Indians are not used to seeing cracks or legs. The less you dress up your body, the better.


2. Take good care of your belongings. You can put your cash and cards in the money belt, or, if they are in your wallet or bag, put them next to you and try to put them on your body with one hand - especially in crowded places.


3. Trust your intuition. If you feel strange feelings from taxi drivers, hotel managers or anyone, trust your intuition. Try to find someone you feel safe to help.


4. Don't trust men who want to be alone with you. Unless you really know someone, try not to fall into a situation where you may be used.


5. Carry mobile phone. If you have a phone, you can call for help if necessary.


6. Strive for help. Don't keep silent if anything happens. Shout Even if no one understands your language, body language is enough to convey what happened. People will probably come to help you.


7. Say you are married. If a man asks if you are married, you can say that you are married. Indian men have different views on married women and unmarried women - this will create another layer of protection.




India is a good place to travel, and people are generally very friendly and welcome. Nevertheless, due to sexual repression, misogyny, traditional ideas about women's role in society and various other factors, traveling as a woman may be potentially challenging.


If you use common sense and keep yourself safe, you can certainly enjoy traveling in India.


Comments on suggestions or other ideas on maintaining security in India are welcome.


Thank you for your further suggestions in the comments:


1. Auro Sista (ఆ 3120; 3147; 3126; 3135; 3127; 3149; 3104; 3134;): "As I mentioned elsewhere, I particularly recommend that those who only come as tourists book group tours, even if you are a local Indian. In many cases, Indian tourists in the group are generally very good companions, and can give suggestions or warnings about what should be done and what should not be done. When local vendors or strangers try to take advantage of you, they will usually remind you that when you leave, You can make good friends for a lifetime.

1.奥罗·西斯塔(ఆరో శిష్ఠా) :“正如我在其他地方提到的,我特别建议那些只以游客身份来的人预订团体旅行,即使你是当地印度人也应该参与其中。在许多情况下,团内的印度游客一般是非常好的同伴,可以对该做的事和不该做的事情提出建议或警告。当当地小贩或陌生人试图利用你时,他们也通常会提醒你,在你离开的时候,你可以交到一辈子的好朋友。

2. Prakash Mudholkar: "I think learning judo and karate is good for women. I am serious."

2.Prakash Mudholkar:“我认为学习柔道和空手道对女性有好处。我是认真的。”

3. Yash Geryani: "Women should also share the license plate number of their taxi with their family/friends/acquaintances. If you feel dangerous, send them a location in time."

3.Yash Geryani:“女性还应与家人/朋友/熟人分享她们乘坐的出租车车牌号,如果你感觉到危险时给他们及时发定位。”

4. Vaishali Mittal: "When traveling alone, using Google Maps or similar navigation systems can help avoid asking people the way at will. In India, when using a taxi/automatic scooter, it can also help track the right direction.

4.Vaishali Mittal:“独自旅行时使用谷歌地图或类似的导航系统有助于避免随意向人问路。在印度,使用出租车/自动滑板车时,它也有助于跟踪正确的方向。

If you are absolutely required to ask for directions to a certain place, I suggest asking multiple people to ensure that you get the correct information. If possible, ask a couple/family/woman, not a single man. "



India is not very friendly to women. As an Indian mother, I suggest you:


1. Stay in a place where there are relatively many women - if you don't see too many women around you - then you think that place is relatively unsafe.


2. Wear loose clothes and do not expose the body contour. It is better to use dark cotton cloth. Never expose cleavage or underwear. Please don't think that when I see a casual woman wearing such clothes, I should also be able to - you are different from her, she knows where she is, which is why she dares to wear such clothes.


3. Don't be too friendly or naive. Be firm but polite.


4. If you call alone or pretend to call, speak out your location, taxi number, etc.


5. Frequently travel together.


6. If you see a group of men wandering, you want to move to another public place with plenty of light as soon as possible.


7. Pay more attention to whether there is a family coming out on the road. If you find them in the crowd, this area may be safer. Ask them for directions or any help you may need.


8. I'm sorry to say that, but drink less water, so you don't need to use the bathroom often.


9. Make sure no one is following you. You will be deeply attracted by these sights and sounds, and you may forget this important aspect.


10. Self-reliance - carry essential drugs, hygiene and health care supplies.


11. Read newspapers every day. This is absolutely necessary, so that you can know what happened locally. Because many opinions are presented in the form of news, you will better understand how things are handled.


India is a great place, but unfortunately, we still lag behind in the concepts of personal space and women's safety.


印度网友Senjuti Kundu的回答

India is my own country. But I must admit that even if I travel to some places alone, it is very dangerous, because I have encountered similar things in Thailand, Indonesia and other countries.


What you need to know is:


1. "Check" and "stare" are completely different. If you think a man is doing the latter, you should be careful.


2. Never look at strangers directly, smile or say "good morning" or "hello". This is very common in the Netherlands and Canada. In India, it may convey the wrong meaning to some people.


3. Try not to wear too little before Goa, Putucheri or Northeast India. Some tourist attractions will think that women should be wrapped tightly. However, I despise all these opinions and wear any clothes I like.


4. If you are in the crowd, please guard your bag and hold tight.


5. Avoid taking public transportation. They will waste your time as a tourist, and it is very inconvenient. And they are not safe. The most controversial rape case occurred in public transportation. Alas!


6. Install taxi software such as Uber or Ola and use it every time you travel. They are even cheaper than local rickshaws.


7. It is better to find some tour guides (they can speak the local language) or groups. This is my sincere advice to you. Foreigners are always cheated. This is why it is best to seek the help of local people/guides when booking sightseeing tickets, etc.


9. Trust your intuition. If you think something is wrong, stop what you are doing.


10. Book a room in a decent hotel instead of living in a rathole. Even if you are tempted, please avoid all remote places at all costs.


12. Don't casually hold your mobile phone or wear any expensive jewelry, because you never know when and how you will be robbed.


13. You should understand that not all people are bad. Some people may go a long way for you. Most people are not bad by nature.


14. If you feel threatened at any time, scream, because the Indian people like to interfere (in a good way). Foreigners are always considered to be more priority than Indians.


15. If you encounter serious problems that need attention at the national/international level (I hope not), please keep the contact information of your embassy in India. In addition, you can post SushmaSwaraj (@ SushmaSwaraj) | Twitter on Twitter in the next two years, because the official has performed well in solving such problems quickly.
