
更新时间:2023-04-20 22:35:08



1. 鼓浪屿:被誉为“东方小巴黎”,鼓浪屿被联合国教科文组织授予“世界文化遗产”称号,这里有欧式建筑、国际文化艺术交流中心、多个博物馆和各类特色小店,是文化和艺术的天堂。

2. 厦门大学:作为厦门城市的“明珠”,厦门大学环境优美,有“白城堡”之称的南普陀大厦更是成为了学校的代表性建筑。

3. 福建土楼:位于福建南部,被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化遗产,被誉为“世界建筑之最”。著名的土楼有兴化楼、集乐楼、田螺坑楼等。

4. 南普陀寺:始建于明洪武二年,是中国禅宗佛教的名刹之一,香客如织。这里有古树参天,瀑布飞泻,还有千年古刹、圆通宝殿等人文景观。

5. 厦门环岛路:约14.54公里的环道与蓝天、大海、沙滩、游艇等众多景观相映,是骑行、散步、观赏美景的好地方。




As a renowned coastal city, Xiamen is home to many fascinating tourist attractions. From natural landscapes to cultural sites, there is something for everyone. In this article, we will introduce some of the most popular attractions in Xiamen.

Natural Scenery

1. Gulangyu Island

Gulangyu Island, also known as Piano Island, is a must-visit attraction in Xiamen. It is only a 5-minute ferry ride from the main island. The island boasts of over 100 historical buildings and various museums, and is well-known for its unique architecture, beautiful gardens, and stunning seaside views.

2. Wanshi Botanical Garden

Wanshi Botanical Garden is a must-visit for those who love nature. It is home to over 6,000 plant species and is known for its beautiful orchid garden. Visitors can take a leisurely stroll in the garden, or enjoy a picnic by the lake while appreciating the natural beauty of the surrounding scenery.

Cultural Sites

1. Nanputuo Temple

Nanputuo Temple is a famous Buddhist temple located at the foot of Wulaofeng Mountain. It was built during the Tang Dynasty, and now has four main buildings and two pavilions. Visitors can learn about Buddhism, enjoy the serene environment, and appreciate the ancient architecture.

2. Hulishan Fortress

Hulishan Fortress is a famous coastal fortress located on the southern side of Xiamen Island. It was built during the Qing Dynasty, and has a unique architecture combining both Chinese and Western styles. Visitors can explore the fortress, learn about its history, and appreciate the stunning sea views.

Food and Shopping

1. Zhongshan Road

Zhongshan Road is a bustling pedestrian street in Xiamen known for its street food, local snacks, and shopping. Visitors can try out various local delicacies, such as oyster omelets and peanut soup, while shopping for souvenirs, handicrafts, and clothing.

2. Seafood Market

For seafood lovers, the seafood market in Xiamen is a must-visit. Visitors can choose from a variety of fresh seafood such as lobsters, crabs, and prawns, and have them cooked on the spot. It is a great place to indulge in some delicious seafood while experiencing the local culture.


In conclusion, Xiamen is a fascinating city with a rich cultural heritage and stunning natural scenery. Whether you are interested in history, culture, nature or food, Xiamen has plenty to offer. We hope that this article has given you some inspiration and useful information for planning your trip to Xiamen.

标签: 福建厦门